The Electronic Patient Record (EPR)

Health information, available online

In the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) your patients can manage their health information and share it with you.

The EPR is a collection of personal documents containing health information of your patients. The patient determines who can see which documents and when. Through a secure internet connection, the information stored in the EPR is accessible to your patients and, if approved, to you as a healthcare professional at any time.

Internal link: In short


The EPR makes it easier for you to access treatment-relevant information. Being able to exchange information directly facilitates coordination and cooperation among healthcare professionals.


Once your patients have granted you access authorisation, you will be able to view or file documents relevant to their treatment in the EPR.


Data protection and data security are pivotal to the EPR. Each EPR provider is comprehensively assessed, certified and regularly inspected. Documents are stored securely in Switzerland.

Join the EPR

How do healthcare professionals connect?

To access in the EPR system, select an EPR provider and go through their registration process.External link: