Adopt the electronic patient record (EPR)

In order to participate in the EPR, you will need to join an EPR provider, also referred to as a (core) community, and undergo its admission process. 

Your provider will enable you to access the EPR system

Once you have chosen the most suitable EPR provider, the connection process can begin. This is managed directly by your provider. It involves the following steps: 


Admission procedure

Contact your chosen EPR provider directly to obtain information on the procedure and any costs involved. 


EPR access

Your EPR provider will guide you through the connection process. Various types of connection are possible – from a simple portal solution to complete integration into your information system. Find out more details from your EPR provider and your IT provider.


Using the EPR in practice

Using the EPR in practice requires well-defined and tested organisational procedures. Your provider will offer training on use of the EPR. You can then establish additional internal procedures, train your staff and thus comply with data protection requirements. Treatment-related data must be stored in the EPR if the patient has one.